Friday, April 19, 2013


Most concepts that we hold dear are precious to us and not because they are true, but because we wish them to be true. One way or the other, the challenges of daily life teach us about cause and effect, action and reaction..

Explore the way you think. Explore the way you live. And recognize how we  commingle with life.

Life is how we make it. And everyday we are different. Our energy is different. Everyday is a new day.
Work for a better life. Everything has a purpose. Live inside our purpose.

IF  you are willing, the most incredible thing occurs. Your mind, hold onto an "old" belief, changes, and  you see a whole new world. Shift your thinking. Shift your thought process.

A renewed respect for all of life, and a deepened understanding of the inter relatedness of everything. We are interconnected with all of life and to one another. Honor one another. The power to act with integrity with all of our relationships; from marriage to friendships to professional bonds.

Therefore, Live your life -Making the greatest value every moment in your life to the greater affect  for our planet.

A thought for the day:

"Nothing is true or false, everything is the color of the crystal you look through" Author Unknown