Thursday, July 4, 2013

Doubt the doubt

Do we need permission to exist?

Do not fight against the flow. Trust your senses.  Trust yourself to make the right choices. We all have our own perceptions. There are no right answers; there are no wrong answers. Every outcome is perfect. You are what you need. Accept your uniqueness. There is no competition and no comparison, for we are all different and meant to be that way. Thus, what we think and feel is not set in stone. Accept that you are individual with an affect and cooperate with that affect.

Learn to internalize, to look within yourself to find your own logic to discover your own opinions and make it your own. We define the right way of doing things. Look at yourself positively because nothing is broken within. If you want something different than explore. You get to explore your way, your habits instead of judging them or fixing them.

Wishing you a world of wonderful things. May you know great Joy.

Happy Fourth of July!

A Thought for the Day:
Nothing is permanent. There are no absolutes.
Oh Good! Something gets to change.