Sunday, December 28, 2014

Attitude is everything

A positive attitude can be many things. 

Positive attitude is the cause of success and happiness. A positive attitude helps you cope more easily with the daily affairs of life. It brings optimism into your life, and makes it easier to avoid worries and negative thinking. With a positive attitude you see the bright side of life, become optimistic, and expect the best to happen. It is certainly a state of mind that is well worth developing.

A positive frame of mind helps in a lot of ways, such as:
  • Expecting success and not failure.
  • It makes you feel inspired.
  • It gives you the strength not to give up.
  • You regard failure and problems as blessings in disguise.
  • Believing in yourself and in your abilities.
  • You show more self-esteem and confidence.
  • You look for solutions, instead of dwelling on problems.
  • You see and recognize opportunities.

A positive attitude leads to happiness and success and can change your whole life. If you look at the bright side of life, your whole life becomes filled with light. This light affects not only you and the way you look at the world, but it also affects your whole environment and the people around you. If this attitude is strong enough, it becomes contagious. It's like radiating light around you.

Thoughts are magnetic and thoughts have a energy.  Everything sent out returns to the source – you! When you feel good, you are powerfully attracting more good things to you  The Best is Yet to Come!

What does a positive attitude mean to you?

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

My hope

  I wish you peace, prosperity, health and great Happiness this holiday season and during the year ahead. Thank you for your love, support and comments.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

One Word

There is a book called, "One Word That Will Change Your Life" by Dan Britton, Jimmy Page and Jon Gordon. One word is a simple concept, lose the long list of resolutions, wish lists, promises to change and do something about one thing this year instead of nothing about everything. Instead of creating endless goals, the authors found one word that would be their driving force for the year. Just one word. Choose one word that represents what you most hope to accomplish and who you want to be. 

I thought is was a brilliant idea. Focus is what gets over the elusive barrier of overwhelm so we can concentrate, see and participate in the process of transformation. 

Best of all, anyone and anytime can discover their word for the year. I did this past August.

My word is Purpose:

I realized I wanted to do more things with intention and be intentional about my life, my decisions and health. I knew I was going to be busy traveling, being involved in a variety of projects, volunteering and  keeping up with three different schedules. By focusing on my purpose of why I do what I do and that it has meaning helps me face up to the difficulties and overcome hardship. What I do matters.  

For me, having a sense of purpose means having clear goals that fit into my wider life story, so that what I do holds meaning and direction.

Let your journey to a healthier, happier life begin. Thank you for listening. 

Sunday, December 21, 2014

One of a kind

You can control events but not a person. Recognize the power of the Universe instead of trying to express it. Life is magical, mysterious, wondrous and miraculous. Take a moment to remember how special you are and how lucky the world is to have you in it. I am grateful to be on this planet with all of you at this time.

I try not to look at the past in order to fix the future. I look at the future in order to not repeat the past.  I try to Participate with Life at every moment.  Thank you for listening. 

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Be the light!

Success starts with you and your mindset. It cannot be over emphasized that your energy goes where we focus our attention and awareness. At every moment we surround ourselves with our own words and deeds generating a vibration that can create happiness or unhappiness.

Your mind and spirit may be the most overlooked, and under appreciated components of your well being. Our task is to contribute the best of our energy to every situation with understanding our effect.

Your life (path) is not so much about goals and work but the quality you bring to the process of living – Your unique contribution.

The power of hope and rediscovering the magic of the moment. Thank you for listening.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Food for thought

Food for Thought from Lord Byron:
        “Always laugh when you can.  It is cheap medicine.”
Have a good weekend!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Reach your potential

See the Potential and Possibilities. It is how you look at the situation, a problem and a moment. Everything is a creative force. WE have the wisdom to imagine it.  Have a sense of hope to take the step to go farther. You choose!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

I Thank You!

There's something about Thanksgiving --Seasons come and seasons go, time changes many things... But not the joy (Warm feelings... warm thoughts... warm memories... ) that remembrance brings.

Wishing you an abundance of blessings. Happy Thanksgiving!

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Self improvement

Eight Wise Choices

Number One: Choose integrity. I choose to be honest with myself and the world around me, to integrate my principles into my daily life.

Number Two: Choose to do and be your personal best.  I choose to do my very best each day.

Number Three: Choose a positive attitude.  I choose a positive attitude, noticing what’s good, right, and wonderful in myself and others.  I learn to laugh at myself.

Number Four: Choose self-responsibility. I choose to take responsibility for my thoughts, words, and deeds, my choices and actions.  I take responsibility for my own happiness.

Number Five:  Choose quality over quantity. I choose quality of life over quantity of things like money and possessions.

Number Six:  Choose to live by the golden rule. I choose to treat others as I would wish to be treated in the same circumstances.  I choose to be respectful.

Number Seven:  Choose to see the beauty in diversity. I choose to be tolerant and understanding of those who are different from me by race, religion, gender, age, economic status, or culture.

Number Eight: Choose a gratitude attitude. I choose to be grateful for my blessings: food, shelter, clothing, my health, education, country, family, and friends.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014


 How many of you have to think something is wrong to change something in your life?  Your future is Always Your future. There is no ideal society except the one you carry with you. We are all here in this world trying to find our way.  Every day we seek to better understand the meaning of our lives. 

Be gently. It is not a point of battling with your neighbor to get your voice heard, it is a point of exercising your life and your neighbor will hear your voice. Your greatest good is part of the whole greatest good. Nothing is permanent. There are no absolutes. Everything is thought, or interpretation of thought. Not one thing is more significant than another.

Natural Law tells us that, with each action, we create our own experience on earth. We are constantly adding to who we are. We are constantly changing. We are creating our reality every moment. Life is a matter of moments tied end to end.

No matter who you are, no matter what you do, no matter what you attract or how you live your life, No two people draw meaning from the exact same things. Life is how we make it. Each of us is responsible for how we cooperate with life. The amazing part is that everyday we are different. Our energy is different.

I try to Recognize, Everyday is a new day. 

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Paying Attention

No one takes your power,  you give it away by losing the focus of your intention. In any learning experience if you understand the Purpose it allows you a way to align, to participate. Self Discovery is the greatest joy in life.  I am learning and understanding with any effort that you do toward any particular dream tends to be an act of 
Love and Labor. 

Look for inside strength for how to cope. If you stay on purpose that purpose becommes more than you anticipated. Don't look for the easy path, look for the productive one. You're not alone on this world of ours and if you're going to be appropriate to your life, your purpose and to your passion, whatever you do must have some degree of personal meaning to you before you can move on to it. You are participant with what you do because you are the one that is there doing it. There is no right or wrong of doing something, just your way. The rest of the world does not know you, Only you do. 

The perfect solution is ot the one that works. The perfect solution is the one that you feel good about. The one that you can sleep with. The one that you can live with. The one that can echo inside of you as a point of Paying Attention. 

Thank you for listening and sharing. Enjoy the journey. 

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Healing Spirit

Food for Thought from Collin McCarty:
                                Begin Again
One of the best things we can do in our lives is this:
                        Begin again.
Begin to see yourself as you were when you were the
        happiest and strongest you’ve ever been.
      Begin to remember what worked for you (and what worked
        against you), and try to capture the magic again.
        Begin to remember how natural it was when you were 
                     a child – to live a lifetime each day.
        Begin to forget the baggage you have carried with you for
         years: the problems that don’t matter anymore, the tears that
         cried themselves away, and the worries that are going to wash
                  away on the shore of tomorrow’s new beginning.
        Tomorrow tells us it will be here every new day of our lives;
          and if we will be wise, we will turn away from the problems of
            the past and give the future – and ourselves – a chance
                        to become the best of friends.
        Sometimes all it takes is a wish in the heart to let yourself…
                                  Begin Again.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Little Solutions

A beautiful anonymous poem I read........ Focus on what is there and not what "should" be (Hmmmmmm). We all want to be valued and regarded.  
Little Resolutions
"A little less impatient with those we deem too slow;
A little less arrogant because of all we know;
A little less conceited since our worth is slight;
A little less intolerant even when we are right;

A little more forgiving and swifter to be kind;
A little more desirous of the word praise to find;
A little more eager to help others to rejoice;
A little more careful to speak with gentle voice;

A little more effort to see another's view;
A little more willingness to extend to helping hand;
A little more committment to our people and our land;

A little more eagerness to listen and understand;
A little more resole to do what must be done;
And a greater understanding that truly we are one."

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


Guidance through our intuition. Everyone has intuition.  It is intuition that allows you to know that somehow you have a power source within. At times in our lives, we've all been aware of a "gut feeling" guiding our decisions. It is intuition that brings it. I am grateful when I pay attention. 

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Calm, Focused and Ready for Life

No matter what your responsibilities are, chances are you can’t complete it all in a day. Our brains just aren’t very good at remembering everything we’re supposed to do. This causes stress.

I am getting rid of my to do list to be more productive.......... my realization, I do not need one now.  My plan is to write down what I know I will accomplish today. I get to do the things that are important to me. My priorities. This way, I know first hand that I am successful. 

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


What does it mean;  "We cannot control outcomes however, we can control process".One of the most effective ways to stay committed to any thing is to focus attention on the intention as often as possible. This is a useful strategy for keeping an intention in one’s consciousness. 

Intention is all about purpose.  It is your directed attention and the hopes that you wish to achieve through an action.

What is the purpose of life for you? 

Finding and clarifying your life purpose and intentions can help you to move with greater focus and clarity every day of your life. Especially in these challenging times, setting clear intentions and purpose can make it much easier to navigate stormy waters. 

This information is provided to inspire you to be all that you can be and to lead an ever richer, fuller life.

A great way to start exploring your life purpose and intentions is to stop for a moment and ask yourself these two key questions:

What is most important to me in my life? 

What are my deepest values and beliefs?

Both life purpose and life intentions can be rich and valuable in helping to move through the challenges life brings us, though some will prefer focusing on one over the other.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Rule of Thumb


We all have choices......... A thought for the day: The voice is the track the mind follows. Which thoughts are you going to follow?

Monday, September 1, 2014


 Not to have it the way you picture it but following the harmonious energy with Self and your environment. I always come away inspired to be more of myself.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Purpose and Intention

Most Accomplishments! 
                                                                                  Most joyful thing when you know it is your effort.    

Friday, August 29, 2014



Discover the relationships with all things, with everything. Act and participate with life. Be Playful!

Saturday, August 23, 2014


Nurture your body, mind and spirit.

Maintaining a balance of the mind, body, and spirit is necessary to live a  fulfilled life. The three are interconnected and an imbalance in one of these aspects has a great affect on happiness and how we tend to view the world around us. 

When people talk about finding balance in life, it is often about balance of work and family life, and about balance of the hectic lifestyle and stress management. But I don’t think that is the most important area in our life that needs balance. What we truly need is to balance the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual dimensions of our lives. 
As human beings, we have body, mind and spirit. Our body needs nutrition and exercise, so do our mind and spirit.

The problem is that many people live one- or two-dimensional lives in a three- or four-dimensional world. Only when we learn to nurture our body, mind and spirit and keep them in balance, can we become more complete and live more fully. Emotional health and well-being are a crucial part of the wellness equation. 

There are many parts to keeping a balanced mind, body, and soul.
        To develop your level of self-awareness 
        To focus your mind on subjects that benefit you. 
        Pay attention to your thoughts.

While life can’t always be simply boxed into a formula, I have found that keeping these principles in mind can be of great assistance in most facets of life. One of the exciting things about this is that your attitude is one thing that is 100% in your control. 
It's simple but true; thoughts and attitudes are contagious. 


Monday, August 11, 2014

Mixed emotions

Almost everyone who enjoys traveling is subject to what is commonly known as the post-vacation blues, a type of stressed or blue mood that can affect you in the period after returning from a vacation or extended leave of absence.
Just as you're getting used to being home and your work life feels like a distant memory, you realize that your vacation or leave of absence is coming to an end. The thought of waking up at 6 a.m. and racing off to a job seems impossible. 

Having to get back into the routine of work,  and daily life in general can be a source of distress and discomfort as you feel the challenge of settling back in. While it may be unpleasant, the post-vacation blues can be overcome with a little determination and a focus on accepting what the vacation gave you and how valuable your everyday life is. 
No matter how long and hard you've thought about your decision to return to work, and how sure you are that it's the right choice, you need to be prepared for mixed emotions. 

Thursday, August 7, 2014

What is on your mind?

What does the word family mean to you? 

Every one of us has our own definition of what constitutes a family. The meaning of family, to me, has nothing whatsoever to do with biological factors. The love you have for your family is something that goes far deeper than your DNA. Families are who you love. I certainly appreciate their time and attention. I know it is valuable. 

Thank you for listening and sharing. 

Sunday, July 27, 2014


Kindness is magical.  A single smile brings on another smile; a good morning invites another greeting. Thoughtfulness, consideration and care enhance our well-being and others' too. 

Without kindness in our lives, our world can quickly turn cold, empty and negative. Kindness gives us hope, it connects us to each other and it reminds us of the beauty that lives in each of us. And 
to make the world we live in a better place. 

Wednesday, July 9, 2014


Discern when to control a thing and when to let it be. Another way of looking at, what you put into the environment, the environment gives back to you.  

Tuesday, July 8, 2014


Open up and allow and accept all possibilities and potentials. Energies bring opportunities. Finding a peaceful energy within yourself can give you strength You never knew you had.


Sunday, July 6, 2014

It is what it is

 There is more to us then the moment we made a "bad" decision. The amazing part is, you are not supposed to have all the answers. There is no perfect answer; there is no right or wrong, just your way of doing things. 

Friday, July 4, 2014

Exploration and Discovery

It is never to late to fulfill something in your life. Take a risk. We all have fear of making a mistake. 
Take a risk and put all your heart into it.

Taking Charge

No matter who you are, no matter what you do, no matter how you live your life, there will never be another You. Accept all of you, differences and all. Allow you to be You. That is significant. Everything you experience adds to YOU.  There is no right or wrong, just your way of doing things.  WE have nothing to be ashamed of. We have nothing to defend. Nurture the Spirit of YOU.  You are the Source.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014



I am Enough and what I do is Enough. I trust myself to know what is my highest good and greatest joy. I have nothing to prove in life. Life offers me Opportunity for growth and development. My power rest in being who I am. I value and regard who I am.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014


Give yourself the grace that it is okay. Find the humor and laughter in your life. Everything you experience adds to you. Use the knowledge and expand because when you participate with life, you gain. You are more because you did it. It is all good.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Your Desires

Dreams can and do come true. You can make your dreams come true if you put the time and effort. Passionate Participation. 

"Success is recognizing you are more today than you were yesterday." The Story Teller

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

I Spired

This is a good time to get inspired about the future, your goals and executing on those goals. I'm grateful for all of the inspiration I've gotten from thinkers and writers through the years, so I wanted to share my favorite, most inspiring quotes with you. Below are more than 10 snippets given by the Story Teller. Whatever mood you are in, or whatever situation you may find yourself caught up in, a little excerpt goes a long way in bringing peace to your heart.  

"Knowledge without context is trivia." "Knowledge without purpose is trivia."

"If you can define specifically what failure is, then anything else is success."

"The most perfect relationship you will ever have is the relationship with yourself."

"If you do not have to be what you are you can be something different."

"All things have a beginning, middle, and end."

"Embrace anger and love it for what it teaches you about yourself and for what you can change."

"Never accept that you are the one that will validate or invalidate someone else's laws or beliefs."

"When you find yourself in a situation resulting from the ramifications of past events, the longer you hang on to what has happened the longer you hurt yourself."

"Teach by your actions not by the need to speak out and be heard."

"Recognize that today is unlike any other day you ever had."

"The reality of it is that you are always more than you think you are and you are less than you will be."

"It is up to me to choose to believe in anything, including believing in myself. 

“Life is not a thing to be solved. It is a most wondrous mystery to be enjoyed.” 

"Joy is what happens when we allow ourselves to recognize how good thing are."

"Life is the school, Love is the lesson."  (my favorite bumper sticker) 

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Self Control

This is an oldie, but couldn't be more perfect for me at this time.  I'm putting down my glass of water right now and taking the time to send this to you because I love you and I hope you find it a helpful reminder, too.
  Stress  Management for Women!  This is absolutely a wonderful email story!!!!

"A  young lady confidently walked around the room while leading and  explaining stress management to an audience with a raised glass of  water. Everyone knew she was going to ask the ultimate question,  'half empty or half full?'  She fooled them all .... "How  heavy is this glass of water?" she inquired with a smile.   Answers called out ranged from 8 oz. to 20 oz. She replied , "The absolute  weight doesn't matter. It depends on how long I hold it. If I hold  it for a minute, that's not a problem. If I hold it for an hour,  I'll have an ache in my right arm. If I hold it for a day, you'll  have to call an ambulance. In each case it's the same weight, but  the longer I hold it, the heavier it becomes." She continued, "and  that's the way it is with stress. If we carry our burdens all the  time, sooner or later, as the burden becomes increasingly heavy,  we won't be able to carry on." "As with the glass of water, you  have to put it down for a while and rest before holding it again.  When we're refreshed, we can carry on with the burden - holding  stress longer and better each time practiced. So, as early in the  evening as you can, put all your burdens down. Don't carry them  through the evening and into the night."

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Celebrate Life

Start your day with positive thoughts. Find Happiness in yourselves then share that love with others.   Celebrate the small gifts you receive today. Being optimistic and motivated can be very contagious. 
Find the humor and laughter in your life. Laughter helps us relax. We must become the things we like to experience. Life is how you make it. How far are you willing to go for it? 


Sunday, June 15, 2014

A Toast To Dad

Today is Father’s Day and I could not help and take a moment to reflect. 
Many of us can look at our fathers and recognize that we wouldn’t be where we are or who we are today if not for the many ways they have positively impacted our lives and shaped our characters. Father’s Day provides a great opportunity to make our dads feel special and to know how much we value them. 
I was 5 years old when my father passed away and just 7 years ago when my step father passed away.  I am very fortunate to have had multiple “father figures” in my life to learn from.  Each of them taught me vastly different life-lessons.  They did not preach their ways to me.  Instead, they simply lived their lives and I gained valuable insight. I will take a moment to share some of the things I appreciate about these wonderful men.
My dads taught me:
-There is no substitute for hard work. He owned a company but titles did not matter to him.   He showed up every day to perform a service and he did his job until he couldn’t do so anymore.  
-His easy going spirit.
-His sense of humor.
-His joy in life and his belief in me.
-His joyous outlook on the world, his awesome way of being there for people.
A tribute to my father: The First Good Man I Ever Loved. Dad, I love you for an infinite number of reasons. I feel so blessed to have you as my father and I’m thankful for the wonderful life you have given me, and for a little light heartedness, -His half of my genes: earthiness.
I thank you, Dad. I am grateful that you were on this planet at that time.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Simple Pleasures

You have only to observe your cat's behavior closely to learn some of the secrets of happiness and a contented life.

My cat's enjoy the simple pleasures of life:

  • Learn to Play. Cats, no matter what their age, are never embarrassed to let their kittenish side show. They’ll chase a butterfly or roll in the grass in the sunshine just because – you should, too! Play is good. Studies have shown that people who play regularly will be calmer and happier.
  • Live in the moment. Cats know how to live in the moment. If there is a ray of sunshine, a cat will stretch out in it, enjoying each warm sunbeam. If there’s a soft pile of laundry warm from the dryer, cats will lie down in it. If there are birds flying around outside, cats will enjoy their antics. Learn to appreciate the little joys of life.
  • Don’t hold a grudge. If you push your cat off your lap or your keyboard because you are busy, he/she will just find another spot near you to settle down. If you wake your cat up, he/she will not be grumpy. They don't sweat the small stuff! How much stress would be eliminated from your life if you followed their example?
  • Take plenty of naps. Cats know that naps are good for you. You might have to go out hunting late at night or get up early to see the sunrise, so it’s a good idea to take a power nap now and then. Researchers have found that people who take a 20 minute nap have improved creativity, better performance, are more alert and have better cognitive function. 
  • Eat well.  Cats are usually thought of as finiky eaters, and will often reject food that humans consider choice tidbits. If cats do accidentally eat something disagreeable, they know enough to cough it up as soon as possible on a nice soft rug or bed. While a cat's diet may not be ideal for humans, eating a balanced meal is definitely one of the keys to health and happiness. If people were as finikey as cats, they would not eat fast food or junk food. Like cats, we would do well to know what our bodies will tolerate. And if we allow ourselves a special treat now and then, it just adds to our overall happiness.
  • Be Kind to Your Friends. Cats reward their furry friends with a quick rub or by washing their faces. Cats know the importance of having friends. Psychological studies have shown that friendship is surprisingly important to people, too. Social support can lower blood pressure, protect against dementia and reduce risk of depression.
We would do well to follow our cat's example by learning how to enjoy the simple pleasures of life, and using our creativity to find the fun in our everyday lives.