A thought for the day
Knowing people, admiring and loving them, learning what makes them what they are have been a large part of my education and of my motivation as well. Tennyson in his poem “Ulysses” said, “I am a part of all that I have met.” For my part I like to add that all I have met are a part of me, too. The mountains and the sea, the sky and the changing seasons, dawn and sunset are all thrilling and contribute to our lives; but it is people who mold us, beginning with our families and including our friends and acquaintances. They can inspire, turn us on or off, depress or excite us. And I have found
that if one looks for the best in every person, the best will reveal itself. Every human being has a story rich in drama, humor, pathos, greatness, and perhaps tragedy.
----Dr. Norman Vincent Peale
My own take on the thought above is that you often find what you’re looking for. That life is a mirror. WE must become things we like to experience. If we choose nurturing, loving, compassionate, understanding and supporting relationships around us, we must become these things. What we become in our beliefs, we experience in our worlds.