“The body heals with play, the mind heals with laughter and the spirit heals with joy.” – Proverb
How does body, mind and spirit fit together?
The body, mind and soul work as a system of energy. The three are interconnected. We connect our body, mind and soul to keep energy flowing within us. It is not limited to our physical bodies. Everything is composed of energy: biological, chemical and spiritual.This energy flow can be abundant or restricted, depending on our 'state of being' in each moment and it changes constantly.

Our state of being is our overall feeling of health and wellness. It refers to how balanced we feel on all levels of our being. Whether we are happy or sad, sick or well, disconnected from spirit or not, we are either in or out of alignment with who we really are.
Nurture your body, mind and spirit. Make each day count. It is a process (that I learn daily) that involves shifting away from the natural inclination on what is wrong to having a positive mindset focused on your purpose.
When we practice self awareness, even in difficult times, we can see these thoughts for what they are – thoughts. We know that we are the observer of these thoughts and we can choose whether to utilize these thoughts or not. We can choose our intentions.
What it really boils down to is be the best you can be with the resources that you have available to you because what you have to you heralds its own sort of perfection. When we live in balance with mind, body, and spirit, life flows more naturally, more easily.