Friday, March 20, 2015


  • I Love Being Me!    

    This is not your typical conversation starter ---but Let me suppose this….. What is the most precious thing you have in the world?

    The greatest gift you can give is to be Yourself – To know Yourself – self awareness. You are exactly as God created you –You are whole and complete – perfect. You are enough. Not because you did, said, thought, bought or created something but just by being on this planet.
    We do not have to do anything unique nor extraordinary ===we just have to allow our self to
    Be.  Now it is just to remember we are enough.


    There is this song that I love, ‘This little light of mine”  I chose this song because of its truth.  When I am feeling self pity and loss, and I sing this song, I am uplifted. It brings me a sense of hope and infinite possibilities. I can look ahead with a new set of eyes – everyday is a new day. A new beginning. When I am at my highest best and I sing this song, I am motivated to be more --Everywhere I go, gonna open up my heart and let it shine.

    Let ME, the beauty of me shine everywhere  -- in my actions, in my words, in my thoughts and in my body language.   I Love Being Me!

    Yes, I have my challenges/obstacles --- Challenges are apart of life – it helps us grow. Life happens through us  Life is to be lived.

    I choose to Look for the good in all that I behold. The amazing part your sense of who you are determines what you perceive as your needs and what matters to you in life.  I am devoting a period of time to pleasure, rest and relaxation this week. How about you!