Saturday, May 9, 2015



This weekend you will see lots of commercials. There will probably be a tagline at the end about thanking moms on Mother’s Day, then they’ll show you their company logo.

That sounds cynical and There is nothing wrong with those commercials. Although they’ll clearly feed off the soccer mom stereotype. A lot of mom’s do drive their kids, and their kid’s friends, back and forth from practices.

But that’s definitely not what I think about when I think about my Mom in the role of sports mom.

I remember the meals she cooked. I remember her being home after school. But most of all, I remember that my mom taught me what true toughness and hard work was all about.

Her work ethic always amazes me. She was a single mom, and while it took me a long time to realize it, the amount of work she did to manage the house and raise two children was remarkable.
Heck, even now as I pull my hair out at times while home with three cats, I realize just how incredible this really was. Thank you mom for everything!