Everything in the universe begins with and revolves around two things: words and thoughts. They impact others, of course, but they can also have an impact on us. Become aware of the words you are using.
I was in a workshop about using more positive words. Choose words that create more joy. At the workshop we learned to turn this concept into focus actions. Here is how:
Every chance you get --Start using the phrase get to rather than have to.
You don’t need to become compulsive about this, but start intentionally. Think about this, (Get To) uses the language of inner power, opportunity and privilege rather than (have to) which uses the language of duty or being a victim. Notice the difference it makes in your attitude. Rather than dreading or resenting an activity, you can be thankful for it.
For me:
• I have to workout this morning; I get to workout. What a privilege to be healthy and be able to care for my body.
• I have to write a new blog post. I get to write one. What a privilege to have readers that actually care what I have to say.
• I have to stop by the grocery store on my way home; I get to stop by the grocery store. What a privilege to live in a place and at a time where we don’t have to forage for food.
You get the idea. Since we cannot prepare for every eventuality that occurs in life, our point of power is to strengthen our ability to seek options by looking at situations from as many different angles as possible. Perception.
Take time to filter your thoughts before you speak them. Eliminate the thoughts that will bring you nothing but negative feelings and trouble. Speak words that make you feel joyful and loving.

Your ability to be happy and successful in life is directly related to your ability to control your own thinking.