Friday, August 26, 2016

Staying motivated

Staying motivated and passionate!  

Motivation doesn't just happen, you have to claim it! We all have goals and dreams, but it can be difficult to stick with them.  I hear from people who say things like, “I start with good intentions, but I can’t seem to maintain my consistency for a long period of time.” Or, they will say, “I get started but I can’t seem to follow through and stay focused for very long.”

Don’t worry. I’m just as guilty of this as anyone else.

For example, I’ll start one project, work on it for a little bit, then lose focus and try something else. And then I’ll lose focus on my new goal and try something else. And on and on. When everything is said and done, I’ve stopped and started so many times that I never really made much progress.

You can stay motivated in life by living passionately..

But there is no guarantee that tomorrow the passion will be the same, very same. You are asking me a definite answer assuming that there will be a definite passion. Life is not a monochrome. There are a thousand colours in it, moment-to-moment. 

Do not restrict yourself to any one thing. Get rid of this concept that there is one passion and I must pursue it all my life. Do today, what is right. Do tomorrow, what is right. Do today what is right for today. Do tomorrow what is right for tomorrow and then you will be acting passionately today and you will be acting passionately tomorrow.

Realize that there will always be ups and downs. It's alright to have a 'bad day' -- how you are feeling is temporary.

Celebrate your successes! Observe your progress, review your other goals, and adjust them according to new things you've learned.

Choose to be happy by doing things that make you happy. If you feel good about yourself, you'll be more easily motivated.