Sunday, July 7, 2024

Joy & Happiness

Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.” ~Dalai Lama

Life does not have to be complicated. Happiness doesn't have to be difficult, and yet, we frequently make it so. We are responsible for our own happiness. It comes from within, which is great news because it gives us control and makes things possible!

It takes effort and it may not be easy, but you can accomplish it. Happiness is a practice. It’s on us to learn it. While some days are easier to find a smile than others, happiness is a daily choice. It’s a mindset we can nurture and train. 

That does not mean it’s there every second, but when you notice it's missing, often the tiniest shift can put you right back on top of the world. Life is an open-ended horizon. Nothing is impossible.

We often mistake joy in life as something provided to us. We make joy, the world does not make it for us. Every moment, every activity we engage, offers us an opportunity to create the joy we seek. Life changes when we realize we are the gatekeepers of our joy.